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Man pages in section 3xp

L | X

Man pages in section 3xp (X Print Client library)

- starting with L:


- starting with X:

XpCancelDoc XpCancelJob XpCancelPage XpCreateContext
XpDestroyContext XpEndDoc XpEndJob XpEndPage
XpFreePrinterList XpGetAttributes XpGetContext XpGetDocumentData
XpGetImageResolution XpGetLocaleHinter XpGetOneAttribute XpGetPageDimensions
XpGetPdmStartParams XpGetPrinterList XpGetScreenOfContext XpInputSelected
XpPutDocumentData XpQueryExtension XpQueryScreens XpQueryVersion
XpRehashPrinterList XpSelectInput XpSetAttributes XpSetContext
XpSetImageResolution XpSetLocaleHinter XpStartDoc XpStartJob
L | X

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