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Man pages in section 8

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Man pages in section 8 (System administration commands)

- starting with A:

a2dismod a2dissite a2enmod a2ensite
accessdb add-shell addgroup addpart
adduser agetty ap apache-modconf
apache2 apache2ctl apachectl apt
apt-cache apt-cdrom apt-config apt-get
apt-key apt-mark apt-secure aptitude
arp arpd aspell-autobuildhash atd
automysqlbackup avahi-daemon

- starting with B:

badblocks biosdecode blkid blockdev

- starting with C:

catman cfdisk cfingerd checkgid
check_forensic chgpasswd chpasswd chroot
clc-update-customized-images clock comsat conflict
consolechars cpgr cppw cracklib-check
cracklib-format cracklib-packer cracklib-unpacker cramfsck
create-cracklib-dict cron ctrlaltdel ctstat
cups-deviced cups-driverd cups-lpd cups-polld
cupsaccept cupsaddsmb cupsctl cupsd
cupsdisable cupsenable cupsfilter cupsreject

- starting with D:

debugfs defoma-reconfigure delgroup delpart
deluser depmod dhclient dhclient-script
discover-modprobe discover-pkginstall dmidecode dmsetup
dosfsck dosfslabel dovecot dp
dpkg-divert dpkg-hold dpkg-preconfigure dpkg-purge
dpkg-reconfigure dpkg-remove dpkg-statoverride dpkg-unhold
dumpe2fs dwww-build dwww-build-menu dwww-cache
dwww-convert dwww-find dwww-format-man dwww-index++
dwww-quickfind dwww-refresh-cache dwww-txt2html

- starting with E:

e2freefrag e2fsck e2image e2label
e2undo ethtool exicyclog exigrep
exim exim4 eximstats exim_checkaccess
exim_convert4r4 exim_db exim_dbmbuild exim_dumpdb
exim_fixdb exim_lock exim_tidydb exinext
exipick exiqgrep exiqsumm exiwhat

- starting with F:

faillog fdformat fdisk filefrag
findfs fmtdump foomatic-addpjloptions foomatic-getpjloptions
foomatic-kitload foomatic-preferred-driver fping fping6
fsck fsck.ext2 fsck.ext3 fsck.ext4
fsck.ext4dev fsck.minix fsck.msdos fsck.nfs
fsck.vfat fstab-decode

- starting with G:

gconf-schemas getkeycodes getty groupadd
groupdel groupmod grpck grpconv
grpunconv grub-install grub-mkconfig grub-mkdevicemap
grub-probe grub-reboot grub-set-default grub-setup

- starting with H:

hald halt hdparm htcacheclean
htdigconfig httxt2dbm hwclock

- starting with I:

i386 icmpinfo iconvconfig identd
idmapd ifconfig ifdown ifup
ikeygen in.comsat in.identtestd in.ntalkd
in.talkd inetd init initramfs-tools
insmod insserv install-docs install-keymap
install-mbr install-sgmlcatalog installkernel intro
invoke-rc.d ip ip6tables ip6tables-apply
ip6tables-restore ip6tables-save ipchains ipchains-restore
ipchains-save ipfwadm ipfwadm-ipchainsalternative ipfwadm-wrapper
ipmasqadm iptables iptables-apply iptables-restore
iptables-save iptables-xml isadump isaset
isosize ispell-autobuildhash ispellconfig

- starting with J:


- starting with K:

kbd-config kbdrate kbuildsycoca4 kcookiejar4
kdat kded4 kdeinit4 kernel-packageconfig
keytab-lilo killall5 klogd ksysv

- starting with L:

laptop-detect lastlog ld-linux ld-linux.so
ld.so ldattach ldconfig lilo
lilo-uuid-diskid liloconfig lnstat locale-gen
logrotate logsave losetup lpadmin
lpc lpdomatic lpinfo lpmove
lsdev lsinitramfs lsmod lsof
lspci lsusb

- starting with M:

mailer mailq make-ssl-cert MAKEDEV
mandb meinproc4 memtester mii-tool
mkcramfs mkdosfs mke2fs mkfs
mkfs.bfs mkfs.ext2 mkfs.ext3 mkfs.ext4
mkfs.ext4dev mkfs.minix mkfs.msdos mkfs.vfat
mkhomedir_helper mkhybrid mkinitramfs mkisofs
mklost+found mkrescue mkswap mk_modmap
modconf modinfo modprobe modules-config
mount mount.nfs mount.ntfs-3g mtr
mysqld mysqlmanager

- starting with N:

nameif nepomukserver nepomukservicestub netstat
newaliases newusers nfsstat nnmaster
nnspew nologin nstat ntalkd
ntfs-3g ntfs-3g.probe ntfs-3g.secaudit ntfs-3g.usermap
ntp-keygen ntp-wait ntpd ntpdate
ntpdate-debian ntptime

- starting with O:


- starting with P:

pam-auth-update pam_access pam_ck_connector pam_cracklib
pam_debug pam_deny pam_echo pam_env
pam_exec pam_faildelay pam_filter pam_ftp
pam_getenv pam_group pam_issue pam_keyinit
pam_lastlog pam_limits pam_listfile pam_localuser
pam_loginuid pam_mail pam_mkhomedir pam_motd
pam_namespace pam_nologin pam_permit pam_pwhistory
pam_rhosts pam_rootok pam_securetty pam_selinux
pam_sepermit pam_shells pam_succeed_if pam_tally
pam_tally2 pam_time pam_timestamp pam_timestamp_check
pam_umask pam_unix pam_userdb pam_warn
pam_wheel pam_xauth paperconfig partx
pcimodules pidof ping ping6
pivot_root pklocalauthority plipconfig pm-action
pm-hibernate pm-powersave pm-suspend pm-suspend-hybrid
pmap_dump pmap_set polkit polkitd
portmap post poweroff procinfo
pwck pwconv pwunconv

- starting with R:

radeontool ramsize rarp raw
rdate rdev reboot register-common-lisp-implementation
register-common-lisp-source remove-default-ispell remove-default-wordlist remove-shell
resize2fs resume rmail rmmod
rmt rmt-tar rootflags rotatelogs
route routef routel rpc.gssd
rpc.idmapd rpc.mountd rpc.nfsd rpc.statd
rpcdebug rpcinfo rpm rpm2cpio
rpmbuild rpmdb rpmdeps rpme
rpmgraph rpmi rpmquery rpmsign
rpmu rpmverify rsmtp rtacct
rtcwake rtmon rtstat run-parts
runlevel runq

- starting with S:

s2both s2disk s2ram safe_finger
savelog scsi_id select-default-ispell select-default-wordlist
sendfiled sendmail sensors-detect service
setarch setkeycodes setlogcons setpci
setserial setvesablank sfdisk sftp-server
shadowconfig showmount shutdown siggen
slattach sm-notify smbspool socklist
split-logfile ss ssh-keysign ssh-pkcs11-helper
sshd start-stop-daemon startpar statd
sudo sudoedit sudoreplay sudo_plugin
suexec sulogin suspend-keygen swap-offset
swapoff swapon switch_root sync
sync-available sysctl sysklogd syslog-facility
syslog2eximlog syslogd syslogd-listfiles

- starting with T:

talkd tasksel tc tc-bfifo
tc-cbq tc-cbq-details tc-drr tc-htb
tc-pfifo tc-pfifo_fast tc-prio tc-red
tc-sfq tc-tbf tcpd tcpdchk
tcpdmatch tcpdump tcptraceroute.db telinit
tripwire try-from tune2fs tunelp
twadmin twintro twprint tzselect

- starting with U:

udevadm udevd udisks-daemon umount
umount.nfs unafs unique unix_chkpwd
unix_update unregister-common-lisp-implementation unregister-common-lisp-source unshadow
update-alternatives update-auctex-elisp update-auctex-install update-ca-certificates
update-catalog update-cracklib update-default-aspell update-default-ispell
update-default-wordlist update-dictcommon-aspell update-dictcommon-hunspell update-dlocatedb
update-exim4.conf update-exim4.conf.template update-exim4defaults update-fonts-alias
update-fonts-dir update-fonts-scale update-gconf-defaults update-gdkpixbuf-loaders
update-grub update-grub2 update-gtk-immodules update-icon-caches
update-inetd update-info-dir update-initramfs update-ispell-dictionary
update-java-alternatives update-lilo update-locale update-mime
update-pangox-aliases update-passwd update-pciids update-python-modules
update-rc.d update-texmf update-texmf-config update-usbids
update-xmlcatalog update-xpdfrc useradd userdel
userlist usermod uswsusp.conf utmp-conv

- starting with V:

validlocale vidmode vigr vipw
visudo vmstat vpddecode

- starting with W:

wipefs writevt

- starting with X:

x86_64 xmcdconfig

- starting with Z:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Z

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