Causal viscous hydro code for central heavy-ion collisions by Paul Romatschke, v0.0: 1/2007 v0.1: 2/2007 Hydro Code ------------------------------------------------------- File Explanation VH1+1.cpp Main Code source file GJE.cpp Gauss-Jordan elimination code for matrices paramreader.cpp Reads actual run parameters from params.txt file params.txt Hydro Code parameters (documented) diags.cpp Diagnostic routines idEOS.dat ideal equation of state qcdIEOS.dat QCD equation of state, from hep-ph/0603048 vh this is the executeable code ----------------------------------------------------- Compilation: On a standard Linux machine, you should be able to type 'make' and get an executeable file vh. Don't know about other OS, but who wants to use other OS anyways? ------------------------------------------------------- Running the code Having compiled the code, it should run when you type in ./vh To change lattice size/hydrodynamic parameters, see params.txt However, you should create the subdirectories data and data/snapshot in order for the code to be able to output something useful. See below ---------------------------------------------------------- Data output will created a file freezeout.dat in data/ which contains the information on the freeze-out surface. It has the following format: #radius_in_fm #time_in_fm/c #u^t #u^r #Pi^r_r/(e+p) #Pi^eta_eta/(e+p) #p and 4 more numbers that probably are not important to you (if you're interested, see outputMeasurements routine to find out what they are in snapshot/ you will find snapshots of the temperature profile, energy density profile,... at given intervals in proper time