New in version 1.0 * Matching to a hadron cascaded code (b3d courtesy MADAI collaboration and Scott Pratt) * Matching to pre-equilibrium code (courtesy Wilke van der Schee) We believe that this fully integrated package deserves version number 1.0 New in version 0.5 * Fixed a bug concerning the shear-selfcoupling (lambda_1 was incorrectly implemented) * General EoS files (controlled via params.txt file) * Changed definition of snapVcontour and snapTcontour to output velocity and temperature profiles for easy use in applications where hydro background is needed * initE now generates (and vh2 now takes) tabulated initial conditions for energy density, fluid velocity and shear tensor as well as hydro starting time. This should facilitate matching some pre-equilibrium tmunu to this hydro solver * enables multi-threading via MPI * old hydro-to-particle routines (convert, extract, reso) have been discontinued * partical chemical equilibrium (NOT TESTED) New in version 0.4: * Introduced freezeout routines (convertfull, preresofull, resofull, extractfull) which integrate over the entire transverse plane, appropriate for arbitrary asymmetric initial conditions. * Added option for deformed (but still smooth) initial conditions to study arbitrary v_n (see FREEZE = -6,-7 or -27 in source and arXiv:1007.5469 for explanation) to compile properly New in version 0.3: * New (optional) blockwise freeze out routine that does not require monotonically decreasing temperature from the center. * prereso.cpp to extract spectra before resonance feed down * ability to choose different forms for the viscous correction to the freeze out distribution function besides the standard form quadratic in momentum (see FREEZE parameter in data/params.txt) * convertfull routine that calculates spectra over all azimuthal angles, rather than just one quadrant, for unsymmetric initial conditions New in v0.2: * Bug fixed in calculation of resonances (convert.cpp module) * Allows for non-vanishing lambda_{1,2} coefficients in the hydro equations * Allows use of both CGC and Glauber initial conditions (kln module) * Initial conditions for both RHIC and LHC implemented (initE.cpp module) * Allows to shut off freeze-out surface finder (isochronous freezeout, see params.txt) June 21, 2009 (still v0.2): *changed qcdIEOS.dat file so that values are monotonous *updated README to give more explanation on physical units ....thanks to Rajeev Bhalerao for pointing out these problems.... July 8, 2009 (still v0.2): * introduced LCOEF2 in convertnew.cpp so that it would compile * fixed bug in UVH2+1.cpp and initE.cpp about low-temperature EOS cutoff (lowestE); should run now for higher cutoff temperatures EOS than before