New in version 1.7 Option for pre-equilibrium flow (1307.2539). New in version 1.5 Bulk viscosity New in version 1.4 Temperature dependent viscosities and other transport coefficients. These are now specified in tabulated form in input files such as etaoverS.dat, beta2.dat, lambda1.dat New in version 1.3 Bug-fix in convertfull.cpp; Changed value of fm to GeV^-1 conversion (was inaccurate). New in version 1.2 Precompiler option #SMOOTHING in UVH2+1.cpp allows for running lumpy initial conditions New in version 1.1 Custom output files for Betz/Gyulassy (precompiler option #BG) and Adare-McCumber-Nagle-Romatschke (precompiler option #AMNR) New in version 1.0 * Matching to a hadron cascaded code (b3d courtesy MADAI collaboration and Scott Pratt) * Matching to pre-equilibrium code (courtesy Wilke van der Schee) We believe that this fully integrated package deserves version number 1.0 * Known bugs: kln not properly supported. Needs updating from version 0.2 New in version 0.5 * Fixed a bug concerning the shear-selfcoupling (lambda_1 was incorrectly implemented) * General EoS files (controlled via params.txt file) * Changed definition of snapVcontour and snapTcontour to output velocity and temperature profiles for easy use in applications where hydro background is needed * initE now generates (and vh2 now takes) tabulated initial conditions for energy density, fluid velocity and shear tensor as well as hydro starting time. This should facilitate matching some pre-equilibrium tmunu to this hydro solver * enables multi-threading via MPI * old hydro-to-particle routines (convert, extract, reso) have been discontinued * partical chemical equilibrium (NOT TESTED) New in version 0.4: * Introduced freezeout routines (convertfull, preresofull, resofull, extractfull) which integrate over the entire transverse plane, appropriate for arbitrary asymmetric initial conditions. * Added option for deformed (but still smooth) initial conditions to study arbitrary v_n (see FREEZE = -6,-7 or -27 in source and arXiv:1007.5469 for explanation) to compile properly New in version 0.3: * New (optional) blockwise freeze out routine that does not require monotonically decreasing temperature from the center. * prereso.cpp to extract spectra before resonance feed down * ability to choose different forms for the viscous correction to the freeze out distribution function besides the standard form quadratic in momentum (see FREEZE parameter in data/params.txt) * convertfull routine that calculates spectra over all azimuthal angles, rather than just one quadrant, for unsymmetric initial conditions New in v0.2: * Bug fixed in calculation of resonances (convert.cpp module) * Allows for non-vanishing lambda_{1,2} coefficients in the hydro equations * Allows use of both CGC and Glauber initial conditions (kln module) * Initial conditions for both RHIC and LHC implemented (initE.cpp module) * Allows to shut off freeze-out surface finder (isochronous freezeout, see params.txt) June 21, 2009 (still v0.2): *changed qcdIEOS.dat file so that values are monotonous *updated README to give more explanation on physical units ....thanks to Rajeev Bhalerao for pointing out these problems.... July 8, 2009 (still v0.2): * introduced LCOEF2 in convertnew.cpp so that it would compile * fixed bug in UVH2+1.cpp and initE.cpp about low-temperature EOS cutoff (lowestE); should run now for higher cutoff temperatures EOS than before