Configuring the aXe editor

The aXe editor can be configured through entries in the .Xresources file. This includes the possibility of binding various actions to single key strokes, which is particularly valuable on the tph16, where aXe crashes when invoking something from the file menu. These actions can either be simple editing commands or more complex commands started in a mini-shell. In the sample .Xresources file (download by shift+mouse-click) the key bindings are (re)defined as follows: The commands for TeXing and previewing are useful, if aXe is started through the following function, which one can define in one's .bashrc file
ted() { OLD_WF="$WF"; if [ -n "$*" ]; then WF="$PWD/$*"; else WF="$OLD_WF"; fi
        export WF;
        ( sleep 1; axe -noserver "$WF.tex" & ) }

"ted filename" defines $WF=filename and starts axe on the file "$WF.tex" (if no filename is given the last one used is taken).
Anton Rebhan <>
Page last modified: Feb. 26 , 1996