Notes on Upgrading to Debian 2.0

ATTENTION: Since 98/7/30 our mirror contains Debian Linux 2.x!
IMPORTANT: Do not use dselect to upgrade from 1.x to 2.x!! Upgrade information available at the Debian homepage. From the various options described therein I'd recommend using

In the following I summarize my experience from upgrading Debian 1.3 to Debian 2.0:


2) dselect

3) fix up wtmp and utmp

For reasons explained in the README:
  shutdown -r now

  cd /var/log
  mv wtmp wtmp.libc5
  touch wtmp
  cd /var/run
  cp /dev/null utmp

  shutdown -r now

4) further fixes

Anton Rebhan <>
Page last modified: November 18, 1998