Upgrading from Debian 2.0 (Hamm) to 2.1 (Slink)

Before upgrading from Debian Linux 2.0 to 2.1 read Note in particular the summary of important points in sect. 3.1.

Before upgrading from (Martin's) CDs install package dpkg-multicd.

Ad apt:

If you are using the apt-get method (either directly or through dselect), which is recommended in the Release Notes, you can make use of our mirror most easily be making /etc/apt/sources.list contain the line
deb file:/ftp/debian stable main contrib non-free non-US
which assumes that hep:/home/ftp/pub is NSF-mounted on /ftp.

Besides being the recommended upgrade method, apt-get makes it easy to install additional packages from the command line without using dselect or dpkg:

Known problems:

Following the Release Notes there were hardly any problems, except: Finally: Be careful when installing packages from the unstable tree. As Debian Weekly News said recently:

With Slink out the door, it's time for another giddy round of development. To start things off, glibc 2.1 has been uploaded to unstable and is sure to cause lots of interesting breakage. It's already known to break prcs, rvplayer, libtricks, and many other things. Next, version 5.005 of perl will be uploaded very soon, possibly breaking some 47 module packages. In short, "unstable is called unstable for a reason" and you shouldn't upgrade to it right now unless you're willing to deal with problems.

Anton Rebhan <rebhana@tph.tuwien.ac.at>
Page last modified: March 18, 1999