Upgrading to Linux-2.0.33

Since Linux-2.0.32 the following three problems are solved:
  1. The new 3com EtherLink XL network cards are supported
  2. The recently discovered F00F-bug of Pentium processors is taken care of
  3. The tear-drop vulnerability is solved
In Linux-2.0.33 the F00F-bug workaround has been improved and there are a couple of bug fixes. One concerns Intel's MMX processors and those of AMD. But there are also some security fixes, so upgrading to 2.0.33 is recommended for everyone.

The new sources are now available as Debian package in the directory bo-updates!

To compile a new kernel, read the README in /usr/src/linux. You may want to compare with what I did:

cd linux
make mrproper
make xconfig
make dep; make clean
make zImage
make modules; make modules_install
mv /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/zImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.33
cd /
ln -s boot/vmlinuz-2.0.33 vmlinuz-2.0.33
mv /usr/src/linux/System.map /boot/System.map-2.0.33
rm System.map 
ln -s boot/System.map-2.0.33 System.map 
vi /etc/lilo.conf

Anton Rebhan <rebhana@tph.tuwien.ac.at>
Page last modified: March 16, 1998