Further Activities
- M. Kreuzer, Landau--Ginzburg orbifolds and Mirror Symmetry, talk at
Geometry at Large II, Vienna University, May 3-8, 2010
- M. Kreuzer, Computational challenges in Calabi-Yau and string phenomenology,
invited talk at Oxford University, England; 30.11.09
- M. Kreuzer, PALP and the classification of reflexive polytopes,
invited talk at Extremal Laurent polynomials, Warwick, England; 19.10.-21.10.09
- M. Kreuzer, Combinatorics and Quantum Geometry, invite talk at
Bogolyubov Kyiv Conference, Kiev, Ukrain; 15.9.--18.9.09
- M. Kreuzer, Hetertic (0,2) Gepner models and related geometries,
invited talk at (0,2) Mirror symmetry and quantum sheaf cohomology,
AEI, Germany; 17.8.--21.8.09
- M. Kreuzer, Gepner Points and Mirror Symmetry, invited talk at
WS on Homological mirror symmetry and Hodge theory, Vienna Univ.;
8.8.--12.8.09, Vienna, Austria
- M. Kreuzer, Examples and Problems in Toric Geometry, invited talk at
WS on Homological mirror symmetry and Hodge theory, Vienna Univ.; Vienna, Austria
- M. Kreuzer, Introduction to toric geometry, invied lecture at
Einstein at SISSA 2009: 2nd WS on Geometric Methods in
Theor.\,Phys, Trieste, Italy. 13.7.--18.7.09
- M. Kreuzer, Exploring hidden dimensions with toric geometry, invited talk at
Einstein at SISSA 2009: 2nd WS on Geometric Methods in
Theor. Phys , Trieste, Italy 13.7.--18.7.09
- M. Kreuzer, The geometry of hidden dimensions, invited colloquium talk
at Vienna University, Math Dept., Vienna, Austria; 24.6.09
- M. Kreuzer, Exploring the Geometry of Hidden Dimensions, invited talk at
Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany; 8.6.09